Nueces de Catamarca is a company Grupo Lucci which has shown sustained growth in recent years Years. Located in the town of Los Varelas, department of Ambato, Catamarca, owns 215 hectares of walnut shard of which 140 hectares are productive and the another 75 hectares contain young plants that will provide fruits in the future.
The experience in production and excellence in the care of farms result in a distinguished product on the market. The plants of Nueces de Catamarca stand out because of its characteristics. Its variety is Chandler, a good-sized nut, easy to break and white inside. This variety is the most sought after in the world market, being very competitive for regional economies.
The units Nueces de Catamarca are highly technified. Have management that is up to any project from another country producing first level. In fact, Argentina ranks among the top 5 country’s walnut projects.
In 2018 produced 340 tons of shelled walnut and, year after year, growth company’s estimate is a 20. The success of Nueces de Catamarca is due to the interaction of the Primary Production, Packaging Maintenance Citrusvil Commercial. Production the main destination of walnuts is for the domestic market. Since 2017 exports to France and in 2018 exports to France began Turkey, with good acceptance in international markets.
“We look forward to continue to grow in export, as we have a top product very competitive quality in the world’s markets”
Ing. Juan Altamiranda
Manager of Nueces de Catamarca
The company counts with the external advice of Chilean specialists, a country that has a lot of experience in nogaliculture. It is comprehensive advice from productive and commercially. This is necessary in the face of increased production, which by next year will produce about 600 tons walnut.
“We have to develop the management of that production, the process packaging and marketing. Not just thinking about a nut for the market but also export,” explains Juan Altamiranda.
To this end, must work the technique with regard to production in certain gauge ranges and in organic characteristics of the fruit, such as its color.
Nueces de Catamarca in its infancy, it was a rigorous project for Grupo Lucci, as it did not comply expectations for investments. The technical and the group’s commercial business thrived with the automation of processes and openness to new markets, managing to boost productivity and towards steady growth. The expertise of professionals and the strategic view of the business directory positioned the leadership in nut production and marketing. Today the company increases their efforts for upcoming seasons with the vision focused on development sustained and the positioning of their farms in the world.